so it feels like juicy new moon updates are *finally* coming fast and furiously from our vancouver friends.
and, once again, i began hyperventilating when i saw this too-good-to-be-true post from our new moon on-site blogger,
savor ever beautiful picture below.....
"IF any cast members would like their photo removed, please let me know and I would be happy to honour your request!
It’s been a long past couple weeks since Amy and I, and friends, started visiting the Twilight sets. I’m pretty exhausted. This may be the last of it for us
My morning alarm went off 30 minutes ago… but here’s the catch — we just got back home. Yup, we were out all night at the Cullen House set. We saw the new outfits for the birthday party scene. And yes, to Amy’s excitement, Rob was there. Let me explain.

We’d been meaning to visit the Cullen house set in North Vancouver for some time now. Amy and Ranelle managed to guess the location of the set (thanks Ranelle for all the update!).! However… with work and Canucks playoff games though, it just didn’t work out and we weren’t able to visit until tonight after the (awesome) game.

We rolled up to the set tonight at around 12:30 am to find it packed with about 30 teenage girls. Some even camped out in sleeping bags, lawn chairs, etc! Wow, crazy! We knew that it would be about their “lunch time” when we got there since they were shooting overnight, and so we hoped to get some glimpses of the cast leaving in the vehicles for the catering site.

After a few blinding headlights and lots of waiting, believe it or not… yes… Rob Pattison (Edward) and Kristen Stewart (Bella) streaked by in their car.

We couldn’t see too much of the set, except that the parts of the house we could see looked quite like the one in Twilight. It was surrounded by a forest… completely lit up by the filming below. It was actually really surreal.

Another car drives by, and here’s a strange one: Edi Gathegi (Laurent) and Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria). I wonder what they were doing there. Were they visiting the set? Were they filming a scene for Eclipse? Were they filming a new scene for New Moon that wasn’t in the book? Hmmmm….
Everything died down at around 1:00 AM once all the cast had taken off for lunch. The entire sidewalk of girls emptied, down to pretty much us four (Amy, Mandylicious (so cool in person!), Mel, and myself) and a group of young girls in sleeping bags. The security guards had been super strict for the past 3 days and no one was even getting a real glimpse at anything. At this point we weren’t really sure what to do. I was pretty burnt out myself, but Amy hadn’t seen Rob yet and it was Friday night after all… so we decided to stick it out.

We made quite a few Tim Horton’s runs that night for hot tea. We were cold, really cold. I wasn’t planning on camping out like that so I was freezing as I wasn’t really dressed appropriately (my hockey jersey and a mini skirt and leggings).
But we did it. We froze our asses off until 6 AM in the morning and wow, were we ever rewarded!

The teenage girls took off, and we were the final four. We were just about to give up hope when some headlights blinded us and a white SUV pulled up… but instead of screeching off like normal… they SLOWED DOWN!

We saw Peter roll down his window…
And believe it or not… Peter Facinelli (Carlisle), Kristen Stewart (Bella), and Nikki Reed (Rosalie) in full hair and make up got out of the van! Peter said, “We just have to get out and give you girls hugs for waiting all this time!” Hugs all around. Kristen asked Amy how long we’d been there, and Amy said “10 minutes” at first and then eventually told her the truth. Nikki was just beaming… she looked great and her new wig looked amazing.
We were super excited to see they were in full hair and makeup, all dressed up in the new costumes for the Birthday Party scene!

Peter looked absolutely stunning in person in his “vamp” look. Wow, he honestly looked a little supernatural in person. It looked like his outfit was a gray cashmere button up sweater, a gray and white striped scarf, over a white checked stiff dress shirt and an ice blue textured tie, with gray slacks. Very sleek!

Kristen and Nikki were covered up, but they both looked great. Kristen was wearing a bathrobe to keep warm over the birthday party dress which was cleverly covered! However… we have clues. It appears she is wearing a frothy light blue and turquoise striped cocktail dress. You can see in the top picture with her and Rob that the bottom of the dress is ruffled and layered. Looks very pretty from what we can see! Nikki has an amazing warm smile and she is so gracious. She beamed at us the entire time taking photos and waved when they left. We’re not sure about Rosalie’s outfit… any guesses?
Soon another van pulled out and Jackson got out! He also wanted to thank us for hanging out for so long and he also gave Amy a big hug. Mandy let him know they were at the concert on Tuesday and Jackson seemed stoked about that and mentioned the other shows coming up.

It was so neat to see the cast members with their makeup and contacts, especially after seeing them at the concert/bar as “normal” people having fun.

It looks like “Jasper”’s outfit for the scene will be a handsome dark blue button-up collared dress shirt, a bold square belt, dark blue jeans, and some really great black oxford shoes with a stacked heel, pointed toe, and matte leather. Nice! Jackson looked very sexy.
And last, but not least…

Rob Pattison’s car pulled up and stopped in front of us with Rob and Ashley Greene. You can see that “Edward”’s outfit for the scene consists of a sharp black blazer, a charcoal ribbed heavy sweater, and tight gray jeans. Unfortunately we can’t see Ashley’s outfit. I’m guessing that jacket isn’t part of it?

They rolled down the window and Rob exclaimed in his accent, “You guys are crazy!.” The girls got pretty excited and snapped a couple rare pics. Rob and Ashley smiled at us and put up with our photos and said bye to us before leaving. Very cool of them to roll down the window and say hi! Amy mentioned how uncomfortable Rob is about photos, so that must have been tough for him to do but we really appreciated it! And they both looked gorgeous.

And that’s it! We were super stoked, very tired, and definitely impressed again by the graciousness of the cast and the opportunity just to see them. And those outfits look GOOD! I’m excited to see the scene in the movie.
And now, it is time for bed. It’s 9 AM and I need sleep. Goodnight