i have a new obsession. actually, not necessarily new as i've talked about him a couple of times on here already. and no i'm not talking about nick jonas, but good guess.
people, i am officially obsessed with zac efron. or zacky boy as i like to refer to him. seriously. obsessed. and it's all because of his new movie 17 Again which i caught last night at the midnight showing with 30/13 partner in crime, sb.
it's so wrong to be obsessed with this kid (errr, not officially a kid anymore since i just learned he's now 21! yes!), but i can't help it. i still can't believe this is the same troy bolton from the very first high school musical. my how he's grown into quite the dapper fellow. definitely check him out in his new movie. there are admittedly a few awkward moments in the film, but his acting chops, like his looks, are getting finer and finer w/ age. haha! here are a few stills from the movie. check out the flick and let us know what you think!

i literally gasped out loud (GOL'ed?) at this scene. the leather jacket. the skinny jeans. the aviators. the sideswept hair. OH. MY.

no that's not a screenshot from HSM. he's actually playing a high school basketball player. again. and yes he does dance in this movie too.

flowers? for me? oh zacky boy, you shouldn't have.
*pics courtesy of justjaredjr.com
what is it with hot guys, in sunglasses, stepping out of cars in movies?!?!?!?!
team zefron all the way.
i think zacky boy's slow mo car moment trumps edward's. by far. i had to seriously contain myself during that scene. omg.
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