
can you handle it, part 3

*pic courtesy of gq.com (by way of robsessedpattinson.com)

outtake from the gq shoot. le sigh......

there are a few more posted on the robsessed blog - CLICK HERE - but this one was my fave. :-)


sylvie said...

oh my.

fantastic post, t. you may have just swayed me back to team edward....temporarily. but i still L-O-V-E julian. LOVE.

reegsta said...

how the heck did i end up here??! eeeeks must get out, word to adam levine.

Anonymous said...

hot hot hot!

tiffanyblue said...

reegs - seriously how did you end up on this page?! haha! closet twilighter perhaps?

p.s. get on twitter already!