video of the day
music vid du jour: taylor swift's "you belong with me"
soooo cheesy but still uber cute! and with a classic storyline that just can't fail -
girl next door loves boy.
boy has bitchy girlfriend (why the bitchy gf always gotta be a brunette, yo!)
boy dumps bitchy gf for girl next door.
boy and girl live happily ever after.
what's not to love?
mmmm.....alex meraz
just because it's been a while since i've posted anything on my favorite werewolf, alex meraz. shirtless. oh. yeah.

not the zexiest of facial expressions in this here vid, but who cares when ya got a body like that.
ok fine, i guess i'll post a couple of pics with his shirt on. :)

*pics courtesy of newmoonmovie.org and alexmerazfan.com
le sigh......i am SOOOO team paul.
thirsty (for blood) thursday
today was a big coming out party for the evil volturi of new moon! lots of official pics were released today and they look quite amazing! here are just a few.....


and be sure to pick up the new issue of people magazine next week for more behind the scenes scoop on the new vampire clan. here's a sneak peek.....
(click on image for larger view)

*courtesy of people mag and newmoonmovie.org
so effin exciting!!!!!
oldie but goodie

*courtesy of Entertainment Weekly and ROBsessed
an old outtake from EW of our favorite pair when they graced the cover last year.
p.s. wasn't it weird to see bella and jacob take the cover of last month's EW instead of bella and edward? i get it, the focus is more on jacob this time around, but it just didn't feel right! :-) anyway, i came across this pic today on ROBsessed and totally le sighed.......
in style x twilight
warning!!! if you haven't read past the 3rd book, you may not want to read any further.

looks like instyle is getting in on the twilight action as well. they just posted a new feature on their site focusing on a certain special dress to be worn by a certain leading lady. the mag reached out to some of the best designers around to get their take on this pivotal dress.
take a look at the other designer sketches HERE.
omg it's zac efron!
in honor of 17 Again being released on DVD (technically it was released like 2 weeks ago, but whatevs!), i thought i'd post this funny little zefron vid from snl for your enjoyment.......
twifty.....LMAO! mostly because that will probably be me in the future! haha!
twi-tweet of the day
courtesy of david slade, the new director for eclipse -

OMG!! new moon hasn't even been released yet and the cast and director are already in full swing with the third movie! woo hoo!
follow the director on twitter: @DAVID_A_SLADE
playing catch up
keepin the twi-posts coming! there's a ton to catch up on since may and i'm trying to get as much on here as possible. first i gave ya the trailers. now here are some of the individual character promo pics floating around. edward is simply to die for in this!

*courtesy of perezhilton
le sigh....i could stare at that edward poster all day.........
(the return of) twilight tuesday!
and we now take you back to your regularly scheduled program......
hey peeps!! hope you're still out there. somewhere. my apologies for leaving you all hanging like that for several months. just noticed that the last time we posted was back in may. wowza! well, august is quickly winding down and soon we'll be in the -ber months - i.e. septemBER, octoBER and the all-important new moon NOVEMBER!
november 20 is just around the corner. errr, well, maybe a couple of turns and then the corner, but can you feel the new moon excitement building up more and more! i sure can! so i thought it was about time to resurrect the old blog and get you all excited along with me. and what better way than to bring back our installment of twilight tuesdays!
let's kick things off right, with the new moon trailers. yes i said trailers, with an s, as in plural, as in yes there are two official trailers currently making their rounds on the interweb. check em out, rewind, watch again, and let us know what you think!
Trailer 1 (originally premiered at the MTV movie awards)
Trailer 2 (titled "Meet Jacob Black" - first debuted overseas in France, unknown if playing in any US theatres. right now it's featured online only)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD
and here's one more to add to the bunch. this is the teaser trailer that's been playing before vanessa hudgens' latest flick bandslam. i hear the movie had a pretty decent premiere, thanks mostly in part to the twi-peeps going just to watch this trailer! LOL!!
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