finally caught up on my one tree hill the other weekend and all i can say is.....I. HEART. JULIAN!!!!
wowza. he is the reason i'll be tuning in every monday night. i mean, there are tons of other reasons but he is definitely a strong factor (by the way, props to the writers for continuing to keep the storylines interesting. and for casting DAWSON! brilliant!).
anyway i won't do a recap. instead i shall just leave you with pics of the newest object of my cw affection. (p.s. julian may be drool-worthy, but NATHAN will forever be my most favorite OTH character ever. can't get enough of that guy!).

I love OTH so much! I can't wait for the new episode next week. I do like Julian, but I still will always love Lucas!
julian is the hotness....he is a nice complement to my favorite luke.
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