
Twilight Ultimate Collector's Gift Set

I am RUNNING to Costco when this comes out!!

$59.99 at Costco (DVD edition), $79.99 on Amazon (blu-ray edition)

- 2-disc special edition DVD
- cd soundtrack (perfect! now i'll have 2 copies - 1 for car, 1 for home.  hee hee)
- photo cards (which you can frame and put on your desk at work, like i'm planning to. hee hee)
- bookmark (for use during your 4th re-read of the series)
- jewelry box (yes!)
- watch (double yes!)
- charm bracelet (quadruple yes if it's like bella's!)

So exciting.....can't wait!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my godness! I will run to Costco with you!! This is an amazing gift set, no joke. =O

Patty said...

Saw on Costco.com that there ia an online special for this set for $39.99 through April 9th